Take a chance to grow; rediscover a happier, healthier you

Individual Psychotherapy is an effective treatment for many emotional difficulties and mental illnesses. Stress can be triggered by everyday circumstances such as job loss, death, divorce, illness, relationship difficulties. Other times, feelings of despair and anger can be traced to painful childhood experiences. Left unresolved, present-day stress or childhood trauma can get in the way of feeling happy, confident, and fulfilled.

Seeking guidance and support to manage life's challenges is a form of self care. The healing process begins with acknowledging your pain, moving to tolerance and acceptance, and finally building personal empowerment. Give yourself this chance to move forward without the suffering and heavy load you've been carrying.

older man having a virtual therapy looking at a laptop holding a mug in both hands - north star therapy

Through our work together, you can:

  • Enhance your ability to handle stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty.

  • Identify underlying causes of your distress and understand what is keeping you from being happy.

  • Improve your relationships, your life, your career.

  • Transform your self-doubt into confidence, courage, and self-worth.

  • Heal the past, acknowledge the present, and look forward to the future.

We will commit to working with you, to create pathways towards healing, with the knowledge that you are the expert in your own life.  We will listen, guide you and work from a practical, compassionate and non-judgmental perspective. Our role as psychotherapist is to help you connect with your feelings and draw on your individual insight and make meaning of your experiences.

Potential Issues:

  • feeling lonely and isolated

  • feeling stuck in your life

  • getting caught in negative emotional patterns that are no longer serving you

  • feeling unworthy, unloveable or not good enough in some way

  • ruminating thoughts that tend to be catastrophic, fear-inducing and worrying

Benefits of Therapy: 

  • better able to cope with life’s stressors and difficult emotions

  • feel more connected to yourself and others in your life

  • gain a deeper understanding of who you are, your values and needs

  • feel less lonely and isolated

  • feel a greater sense of self-worth and self-esteem


  • Depression

    Are you feeling sad, down, hopeless and/or helpless? Are you having difficulty focusing and have little motivation? Do you find yourself pulling back from social engagements and are not enjoying the things you used to like doing? These symptoms can be associated with depression and can be debilitating over time. Individual psychotherapy can help through compassionate, non-judgmental support to manage your symptoms. It can help you access your strengths and inner-resiliencies in order to cope and heal from difficult feelings.

  • Anxiety

    We all have feelings of worry from time to time. However if these thoughts and feelings are persistent and you find you have a constant racing mind, spiraling, catastrophic thoughts, or have the feeling of being on-edge about every little thing, you may be struggling with symptoms of anxiety. Psychotherapy is a powerful tool to help manage and mitigate symptoms of anxiety by uncovering the root cause of your worries. By understanding your fears and triggers, you can better navigate anxiety provoking situations and move through them with more ease and confidence.

  • Trauma

    If you have experienced trauma, you may be living with normal but unwanted emotional and physical effects of trauma. Are you experiencing panic attacks, anxiety, depression or feelings of shame, fear or anger? Perhaps your sleep is disrupted, or you feel disconnected from your body at times. Psychotherapy can be an effective way to heal from trauma. We will work with you – at your own pace - to make new meaning from past experiences, while teaching you strategies to stay grounded and feel safer in your mind and body. We use trauma-informed approaches to help you feel less overwhelmed, and create safety in the present.

  • Grief/loss

    Grief can be experienced due to a multitude of losses. We often experience grief after the death of a loved one. Other times we have feelings of grief that surface due to ambiguous losses—such as the loss of a stage of life, the loss of not having children; or grief that emerges after a job loss or a move to a new city. Grief is not a problem to be fixed, it is a natural process of life that needs to be experienced—often in community or with a caring other. Therapy can be a safe place to bear witness to these losses and the grief that accompanies them, while honouring your memories, wishes and also creating meaning for the future.

  • Stress Management

    Life can be stressful; Maybe you are feeling bogged down with all of life’s chores and responsibilities? Or procrastinating and becoming paralyzed by too much to do? Psychotherapy can be a good place to learn stress-management techniques and start getting back on track to manage your responsibilities and prioritize yourself and your needs along the way.

  • Identity and Self-Esteem

    We often hold stuck concepts of ourselves as problematic or not good enough. Our minds may focus on thoughts, feelings, and stories, that seem to confirm we are not good enough, unloveable, or unworthy in some way. The danger is when we define ourselves by these beliefs. In psychotherapy we support you to shift your perspective and thought processes. We work to unburden the parts of you that hold these painful beliefs, in order to move towards self-confidence, self-compassion and a feeling of wholeness.

  • Existential Worries and Fears

    Our existential worries and fears may cause feelings of meaninglessness and dread about the state of the world and our role in it. Existential anxiety often arises when we are faced with losses, the inevitability of death, life transitions and grappling with our freedom and responsibilities in an unjust world. It can also arise when we’re forced to reckon with political systems, the climate crisis, global conflict/war and living in a world where systemic racism, sexism and a host of other oppressive structures persist. If this is something you’re experienng, therapy is a place to process these complex feelings and the realities of living in a world that may conflict with your values. Therapy can help you clarify what brings meaning to your life while working towards changes that you may want to see in your life and the world at large.